As of June 1st - 150 Mass Shootings in the US
Only half way thru 2019 and there have been over 150 mass shootings in the United States. The generally accepted definition of a mass-shooting includes gun violence incidents where 4 or more individuals are involved. Thus far, in 2019, 162 people have been killed and 597 people have been injured in mass shooting incidents.
That's 162 empty seats at Thanksgiving dinner this year. That's 162 families that have broken hearts.
That's unacceptable.
At DefendAPack, we realize we can't change the world we live in today, but we can change how YOU face it.
#activeshooter #schoolsafety #emergencyresponse #securityassessment #shooting #survival #crisis #emergencyplan #activeshooterresponse #activeshootertraining #teachersandschoolemployees #safety #SavingLives #PublicSafetyIncidents #WorkplaceSafety #WorkplaceShooting
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